LISA Summer Academy 2024

This week the Lower Saxony International Summer Academy in Infection and Immunology (LISA 2024) kicked-off at Twincore GmbH. The program consists of one week of lectures given by scientists from the MHH, HZI, Fraunhofer ITEM and Twincore, followed by two weeks of practical training in campus laboratories where participants have the opportunity to apply their new knowledge of infectiology and immunology. The program is supplemented by “State of the Art” knowledge presented by renowned international researchers from prestigious institutions.
I was privileged to host a Single cell sequencing workshop aimed at introducing participants to the fundamentals and advanced techniques of single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq). The workshop featured several hands-on sessions where participants had the opportunity to: perform data analysis using real scRNA-seq datasets, explore different software tools and pipelines and collaborate in small groups to solve specific analysis challenges.